Singin in the Rain musical number

“What a glorious feeling!” – Five reasons why Singin’ in the Rain is the greatest big screen musical of all time

With the tragic news of Debbie Reynold’s death last week, film fans around the globe have been celebrating her life by looking back at her amazing career. Of all the films Reynolds starred in, perhaps the most beloved is 1952 classic Singin’ in the Rain, and with good reason.

A breezy comedy-musical charting the struggles of a 1920s film studio to transition from silent movies to “talkies”, Singin’ in the Rain is one of the most iconic flicks in cinema history. Indeed, it’s arguably the greatest big screen musical ever made – read on to find out why!

5. Pitch perfect casting

All truly great films feature a knock-out cast, and Singin’ in the Rain is no exception. At the heart of the movie’s success is the acting triple threat of Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, and (of course) Debbie Reynolds.

Kelly (who co-directed Singin’ in the Rain with Stanley Donen) is disgustingly charismatic as lead character Don Lockwood. Beyond his legendary dancing and vocal skills, he brings an infectious joy and sly wit to the role, giving us a hero we can really root for.

O’Connor is likewise a perfect fit for supporting player Cosmo Brown, displaying his own impressive ability to cut a rug (literally running up a wall at one point!), and a knack for physical comedy. In the wrong hands, a part like Cosmo could come across as obnoxious, but O’Connor’s innate likeability means that this obstacle is easily swerved.

And last, but certainly not least, there’s Reynolds as aspiring actor Kathy Selden. As portrayed by Reynolds, Kathy is assertive, career-oriented, smart, and beautiful, all without sacrificing her warmth or vulnerability. Reynolds learned to dance for the role (from Fred Astaire, no less!), and her singing voice is sublime.

But what really makes these three performances stand out is how well Kelly, O’Connor, and Reynolds gel together. Indeed, their shared chemistry is a key part of Singin’ in the Rain‘s lasting appeal.

4. Lasting influence on the genre

It really is impossible to overstate the legacy of Singin’ in the Rain. Its continued influence on musical cinema is still felt even today (current critical darling La La Land is the latest film to crib heavily from its playbook).

A lot of this is down to the pioneering direction of Kelly and Donen, which emphasises dynamic camera movement, allowing us to follow along with the dancers. The pair also employ varied and inventive camera angles to heighten the visual appeal of these sequences. Equally important is the screenplay by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, which provides a perfect template for how to integrate musical numbers into a film’s narrative – or vice versa – to create a satisfying overall story.

However, if there’s one area that Singin’ in the Rain has really left an indelible mark on the genre it’s in the visuals department. Even the most casual of cinephiles will be instantly familiar with the image of Don Lockwood swinging elatedly from a lamppost during a heavy downpour, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this film’s aesthetics.

3. Ground-breaking cinematography

Before Kelly and Donen, the majority of big screen musicals focused heavily on the performances of the artists involved, with little thought paid to the bold visual options provided by the medium. While this is understandable – after all, the singing and dancing are what viewers are there for – Singin’ in the Rain really solidified what a missed opportunity this approach presented.

By keeping the camera moving and zooming in and out, Kelly, Donen, and cinematographer Harold Rosson captured the energy of the cast so well that their way of shooting musicals has since become standard. Coupled with the film’s striking stage design and vivid, colourful costumes, they proved what a positive impact increased visual appeal could have on the genre musicals, crafting a truly timeless film in the process.

2. Timeless appeal

Something that really jumps out at you, re-visiting Singin’ in the Rain 65 years after it was released is that it still feels so fresh. Sure, the period setting helps keep the film from seeming dated, but ultimately, what really does it is that the characters are so archetypal they remain relatable even now. All their struggles – Boy wants to date girl! Girl wants to land her dream job! Boy’s career is threatened by advances in technology! Girl gets screwed over by her workplace! – are problems we face today.

It also doesn’t hurt that the film’s sense of humour – often the first thing to fall flat when modern audiences watch a classic movie – is still as razor-sharp now as it was way back when. For this, you can thank Singin’ in the Rain‘s reliance on clever wordplay and audio/visual contrasts over topical references, as well as the filmmakers’ clear desire to sweep audiences off their feet.

1. Boundless charm

Singin’ in the Rain gives you a warm feeling inside for virtually its entire runtime, partly because of the enthusiasm of everyone involved, and partly due to the overall likeability of its characters. Even when a musical number starts to drag a little, the sheer charm on display will keep you from reaching for the fast forward button. And this, more than anything, is surely a testament to just how entrancing the whole endeavour is.

Agree? Disagree? Let me know in the comments below, or hit me up on X, Facebook, or Threads!

6 thoughts on ““What a glorious feeling!” – Five reasons why Singin’ in the Rain is the greatest big screen musical of all time

  1. Such an excellent film and a really detailed review! I never thought about the use of the camera in the film, and I am glad you pointed it out. I love the storyline, the saturated colours, and of course the musical numbers.

    A really great musical that was probably the first to incorporate the musical numbers into the dialogue and environment of the characters is “Love Me Tonight” (1932) starring Maurice Chevalier and Jeannette MacDonald.

    Liked by 1 person

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